There was an interesting statistic posted on a real estate industry blog. It reported on the number of REALTORS per neighborhood.
105,000,000 households and 500 households per neighborhood. This means there are 210,000 neighborhoods.
There are 1.4 million agents meaning that, when evenly distributed, there are approximately 6 agents per neighborhood. Not all agents farm and some agents farm multiple neighborhoods.
The challenge is to differentiate one agent from the others.
A real estate website provides an excellent forum for doing that. Your documented credentials and satisfied customer testimonials can set you from the others. Do you have a website? Does it set you apart? Why should any household select you?
Read the article at
105,000,000 households and 500 households per neighborhood. This means there are 210,000 neighborhoods.
There are 1.4 million agents meaning that, when evenly distributed, there are approximately 6 agents per neighborhood. Not all agents farm and some agents farm multiple neighborhoods.
The challenge is to differentiate one agent from the others.
A real estate website provides an excellent forum for doing that. Your documented credentials and satisfied customer testimonials can set you from the others. Do you have a website? Does it set you apart? Why should any household select you?
Read the article at