Twitter scare
RepostedTwitter sent a major scare through its user community over the last couple of days. A key to Twitter's success is the abiltiy to "follow" another user and to be "followed" by others. For pieces of two days, they lost all such connections. Those were restored by Thursday late afternoon.Twitter enables its users to communicate via a mobile phone text. The user can determine which which users that it follows will be enabled for its tweets to be texted.Addendum: See for more information on this outage.
FSBO and Cribfinder work together on Facebook
Blog about blogs
We've always encouraged website owners to start writing blogs. The reason is simply that blogs help generate traffic for websites.We encountered a blog that has many great tips about how to write blogs. Check it out by visiting You can read about how to create traffic for blogs, suggestions on how to monetize blogs, and much much more.
One million Apple iPhones
E-mail marketing
Check out as an e-mail marketing tool. It is currently available as a beta tool for a fee considerably less than Constant Contact, a market leader. The company website has a free demo capability and is inviting people to join their beta program.
Twitter merger?
There are some recent rumors that Twitter may be acquiring Summize. Summize is a search engine that allows searching through tweets on Twitter. One source mentioned that talks have been underway for a couple of weeks.
iPhone goes on sale
There are multiple reports that say that Applie iPhones will go on sale on July 11 (Friday) at 8:00am.
Goolge search engines and swf files
Google reported that they are trying to improve how they can read and explore swf files. They are working with Adobe in a common effort to enhance the search experience for their users.One of the places where this information was published was at
Hands free driving in California
On July 1, a new law went into effect in California requiring all mobile phone usage while driving to be "hands free". This is a good law because it should promote safer driving.We learned of a website that provides free headsets for your mobile phone. You pay only for shipping.Check it out at www.FreeHeadset.orgRemember that "hands free" does not mean "accident free", so please drive carefully whenever you are using a mobile phone.