Components of successful real estate websites
The home page should make it easy for your visitor to navigate to relevant content - information about you, property searches, etc. WebCubic uses navigation buttons. But we suggest you limit the navigation buttons to about a dozen or so. Exceeding that number makes the navigation difficult for your visitors. Some WebCubic customers imbed hyperlinks within a narrative text as a way to either make more links available or to provide additional options to find information.
Property information must be current. This is where your IDX information will be helpful. Whether the data is refreshed once every day or multiple times daily, it is "current". WebCubic websites are IDX-enabled. Simply get the hyperlinks from the MLS and insert them as links or navigation buttons on the website.
The visitor should be able to access a mortgage calculator and "link" to a mortgage lender. WebCubic has a built in mortgage calclulator - it is a spreadsheet style so that you can easily compare multiple options. A link is simply embedding a hyperlink in text or adding a navigation button.
You should "brand" the website with more than your name. WebCubic websites include a "slogan" to accomplish this.
Try to provide a map of the general area. Take a look at or similar source. WebCubic users embed a hyperlink in text or add a navigation button.
Use your local chamber of commerce when providing community information. It is important, also, to provide school information. WebCubic provides a reference links page(s) that can be used to provide references to other websites. This would be an ideal place to include the local chamber of commerce.
How about a community calendar of events that includes local activities that your marketplace cares about? WebCubic users can use a "free form" page. These pages are built by entering text that is displayed within the website. If the user is familiar with HTML or can learn simple formatting techniques, then the text will be display more elegantly.
Sellers should be able to request a CMA on their property. WebCubic provides a form builder to easily develop forms to collect CMA requests or any other information.
Describe your services and provide customer testimonials. WebCubic provides a "free form" page which many clients use to describe their marketing plans and services. There is a special "gallery page" that includes both text and graphics. This is an ideal form for customer testimonials.
WebCubic real estate websites provide a wide range of tools and page formats to enable the individual REALTOR many options when designing their websites. There are strong customization capabilities to personalize the website.