Source for checkpoint friendly bags
We came across a source for airport checkpoint friendly bags at They provide at least one bag on their website that is compliant with recent TSA guidelines to be "checkpoint friendly". Here's a link to the product information page. It's a little bit pricey but it sure makes life convenient. There's a link on the page to additional photos and even a video of this bag in action.
Many people are now fashionably using backpacks as their laptop bags. TomBihn has two excellent models (although not "checkpoint friendly"): the "brain bag" which has enough room for two laptops and the "smart alec". There are additional products which will enable you to easily carry documents, folders, and cables. Cases are available to fit inside the "brain bag" to snugly place your laptop against your back.
Many people are now fashionably using backpacks as their laptop bags. TomBihn has two excellent models (although not "checkpoint friendly"): the "brain bag" which has enough room for two laptops and the "smart alec". There are additional products which will enable you to easily carry documents, folders, and cables. Cases are available to fit inside the "brain bag" to snugly place your laptop against your back.